one on one


if you’re already taking action on that thing 96% of the time, you don’t need coaching.

club 96


  • People wanting to change lifestyle, exercise regularly, lose weight or study reliably
  • People who are open to coaching
  • People who are motivated but haven’t been able to regularly take the actions they want to take
  • People who want concise, results-focused communication


In this program I’ll help you get clear on what you want and how to get it. We do this quite quickly. Then, you implement the plan and I work with you using the most powerful behavior science tool in the world today.  (If you know of some other method that gets you into action 96% of the time, tell me).

You’ll have the flexibility to adjust the plan as you go.

This is a course for people who are willing to change their behavior and are committed to actual results. It’s rigorous, but you should know that anything that gets in your way, we can handle with grace and humour.

Cost of the course is $1750 incl GST.  


It’s a twelve week program.

The initial seminar is around 90 minutes.

Subsequent sessions are short weekly calls where you check in and we review actions taken and plan out any changes for the next week.

About half way through the course there’s an opportunity for a deep dive into any blockages or issues that are holding you back. There’s scope to design this session precisely to your needs.

At the end of 12 weeks we do a comprehensive debrief on Zoom. You’ll be left with a clear idea of next steps and how to cement your behaviour change.

re this course

Photo by Giuseppe Argenciano, Unsplash.